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Product Information Management & Digital Asset Management

The product. Perhaps the most valuable part of any business, it all starts with the product or service you provide. And for manufacturers and distributors with an extensive catalog and complex offerings, managing all the data and assets for each product can quickly become impossible.

Product information management (PIM) systems are designed to manage all your product information, from SKUs and descriptions, to stock levels and pricing, and universally maintain and disseminate that data to every corner of your business. Similarly, a digital asset management (DAM) system stores and manages all the digital assets related to your products, such as photos, videos, presentations, etc.

Systems such as these are crucial in maintaining updated information throughout your organization and ensuring customers are able to find accurate information during the buying process. Depending on your business, you may need one or both of these systems.

Watch the video below to learn the value of PIM and DAM systems in B2B and find out how they can fit your needs.

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Explore Our PIM Quickstarts

Build a Foundation for Improved Product Information Management

Our inRiver PIM Platform Quickstart will help your business launch an inRiver PIM solution on an accelerated timeline so you can adopt a single source of truth for product information and improve product data management.

A Single Source of Truth for Integrated Product Information

Our inRiver PIM Platform Integration Quickstart will help your business launch inRiver PIM in less than two months so that you can begin to reap the benefits of centralized product information throughout your organization and integrate data from a single channel to an external platform.

Analyze Your Data for Quality Product Information

Our State of Product Information Analysis Jumpstart will help you understand the state of your organization's product information and data quality within four weeks so you can provide up-to-date product details and descriptions for your customers as they navigate through their commerce journey.

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