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Healthcare - Integration
Deliver Fully Integrated Experiences

Visionary Digital Solutions for Integration and Interoperability

Patients and members expect to engage with you across multiple channels. These developments demand the safe, rapid, secure, scalable, and compliant sharing of data.

That’s why integration and interoperability are front and center for healthcare organizations. To remain competitive and compliant, you must enhance legacy integration approaches while adopting modern API and service-based architectures that comply with industry standards.

Tackle Your Biggest Integration and Interoperability Challenges With Our Healthcare Experts

To meet both consumer expectations and industry standards, healthcare organizations are:

  • Ramping up real-time data exchanges across a growing web of communication points
  • Leveraging data models for batch, EDI, and HL7® sharing
  • Integrating with external AI models
  • Managing communications and care delivery across mobile and medical device applications

We understand your interoperability needs and the enabling technologies to create a modern integration stack. Whether you want to replace an EMR, integrate multiple EMRs, enable patient and member engagement, field calls in your call center, or create new capabilities driven by regulations, we’ve got you covered.

Interoperability: The Tech Initiative With a Big Heart

At its data core, interoperability puts healthcare consumers first, giving them access to their health information when they need it most and in a way they can use it best.

Approached strategically and at an enterprise level, interoperability presents a big win for healthcare organizations, too. It stands to turn data into a powerful asset that can accelerate clinical, marketing, and operational excellence as information is exchanged across organizations, systems, devices, and applications.

But success requires more than FHIR or API know-how, and we can help. We partner with the largest payers and providers to build reliable, protected, and interoperable ecosystems that unlock data insights and transform consumer experiences.

We understand Health Level 7 (HL7), Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), and modern integration stacks, including microservices and API management. As you offload more workloads to third parties, it’s important to have a modern API-based integration architecture.

Our architects and developers can help you:

  • Integrate with various EMRs
  • Pass data to a variety of third parties in batch and real-time modes
  • Support patient and member access to health records
  • Transform and integrate to and from multiple data sources

Grow to New Heights With Advanced Integration Solutions

Beyond legacy interoperability, we recognize your organization’s need to access key data for enabling a variety of use cases.

We’ve helped some of the most well-known healthcare organizations:

  • Integrate CRM and other data to enable care journeys, clinical follow-up, and other forms of outreach
  • Securely enable cloud systems, such as CRM, data warehouses, and reporting applications
  • Enable real-time integration for call centers that need member and patient information to answer questions, schedule appointments, and support ongoing care
  • Enable advanced and predictive analytics and share data with data scientists and BI reporting tools
  • Integrate with consumer-driven third-party systems such as PillPack
  • Create centers for enablement using modern integration tools that provide an agile foundation for rapid delivery of data to the right place at the right time

Solving these integration needs means you must take a strategic view while being ready to dive into the deep end. We employ a combination of strategic and tactical activities to quickly get you on the right path.

Build a Firm Foundation for Your Integration and Interoperability Initiatives

Our healthcare strategy team knows the industry well. We can help you interpret regulatory requirements and prepare to meet them. We’re also versed in which trends drive your need to share data that will enable your marketers, call centers, data scientists, partners, and other constituents.

See How We Have Administered Successful Solutions

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Ready to Deliver More Richly Integrated Experiences?