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Edward-elmhurst health

Building Patient Relationships Through Integrated Engagement

What if... we could help achieve measurable, repeatable successes in a highly competitive healthcare market?

Edward-Elmhurst Health is one of the largest integrated health systems in Illinois, with annual revenues of over $1 billion, three hospitals, and more than 100 locations within a highly competitive Chicago-area service region that includes 1.7 million residents.

Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare logo
Woman looking at a doctor's information page on a laptop.

Strategic Insight

We know what it takes to help healthcare systems like Edward-Elmhurst Health achieve true digital transformation. This shift is especially critical in today’s healthcare marketplace, as consumers expect the same convenience and personalized experience from healthcare organizations that they receive from the brands they shop.

Successful collaborations made possible through our long-term partnership have helped Edward-Elmhurst Health accomplish many critical goals in its marketing journey.

A Transformed Digital Front Door, Primed for Brand Engagement

Following a merger between Edward Hospital & Health Services and Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare, the newly formed Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare turned to us to lead a multichannel strategy called Healthy Driven, which integrated many digital techniques on Edward-Elmhurst Health’s site. Our deliveries spanned:

  • Organizational goal and KPI planning
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Enhanced, bold web design
  • Usability testing
  • Conversion-centered content audit, writing, and strategy
  • Patient personalization, including location strategy and geolocation
  • Sitecore implementation, including forms
  • Azure hosting
  • Integration of Epic MyChart and Google Maps

The re-imagined site and robust digital marketing campaign generated dramatic results for Edward-Elmhurst Health. In the first six months of the campaign alone, the system saw:

  • More than 180,000 Find a Doctor profile views
  • 137 million impressions in the Greater Chicago area
  • 16,000+ sign-ups for Healthy Driven challenges, engaging patients and prospective patients; 50% created accounts with social media logins
  • 3,000+ visits to the HealthAware assessment, which provides the healthcare system with a connection point to further engage with these visitors
  • 14 million organic impressions globally for its Twitter hashtag #healthydriven, which became the #3-trending healthcare Twitter hashtag, showing massive organic social engagement

Open, Convenient Scheduling Fully Realized

Edward-Elmhurst Health wanted to increase appointments and knew that putting power in patients’ hands could reduce friction and guide it toward that goal. As part of our enterprise site build, we led the integration of Epic MyChart’s open scheduling.

Consumers are now able to view physicians’ schedules and book an appointment without logging into the system – a clear competitive advantage for Edward Elmhurst Health. We also shaped solutions for more sophisticated scheduling that enhance the patient experience and, ultimately, drive engagement.

For key laboratory and radiology procedures, patients experience a smooth and confusion-free process that intuitively guides them to the correct Epic appointment type and location.

Edward-Elmhurst Health also expanded the open scheduling functionality for a select service line to include a “Book Next Available” option.

Our work on Edward-Elmhurst Health’s open scheduling project yielded notable results for the system, including:

  • More than 12,000 appointment requests, including open scheduling, in the 12 months after launch
  • 4,370 open-scheduling appointments within six months of launch
  • 123% increase in all types of online appointments
Edward-Elmhurst plastic surger website page on iPad.

Building the Brand Ecosystem and Patient Volume for Plastics

When Edward Elmhurst Health’s Plastics department announced it was planning to pull its content out to a microsite and internally handle its own marketing, we were asked to craft a solution that would amplify the brand and help the Plastics team achieve its marketing goals.

Our multipronged strategy included:

  • Updated design and imagery to optimize points of conversion and make the area feel unique from the rest of Edward Elmhurst Health’s website, yet still on brand
  • New service-line content and content marketing to drive organic traffic
  • Display and search campaign to drive traffic that bridge improvements in organic traffic

This strategy leveraged the existing domain’s strength and technology and led to impressive results:

  • 86% increase in organic page views
  • 72% increase in entrances
  • 6.8% bounce rate (down from 11% before the project – a 38% overall decrease)
  • 136% increase in average page views per session
  • 35% increase in conversions

Most importantly, the Plastic surgeons at Edward-Elmhurst Health are pleased with the new approach, acknowledging that the enterprise-aligned resources helped them achieve greater success than could have been realized on their own.

Data and analytics graphs on laptop.

Boosting Conversions to Grow Orthopedics Market Share

In addition to our work for the Plastics service line, the marketing team at Edward-Elmhurst Health requested our guidance to increase the health system’s orthopedics market share within the Chicago area. We helped achieve this goal with a search-engine marketing (SEM) campaign and corresponding landing page and microsite.

The three-month SEM campaign featured various display and text ads that drove traffic to the newly designed Orthopedic Center microsite.

Real-time campaign performance was delivered to the marketing team via a custom-designed dashboard, which intuitively presented campaign and user data against the system’s KPIs, including ad impressions, appointment requests, calls received, and more.

The orthopedics campaign and site yielded impressive results:

  • 65% of traffic to orthopedics microsite driven by search ads
  • 19% of site traffic coming from display ads
  • Over 89% of those who called or requested an appointment converted the same day they saw an ad
Perficient delivered an engaging enterprise web presence, a key component to our integrated campaigns, to capture patients in our highly competitive market. We have built a long-term partnership with Perficient because they focus not only on our current needs but also on our future digital success. Manager of Digital Marketing, Edward Elmhurst Health

Boosting Bariatrics With Nimble, Data-Driven Integrated Marketing

Our integrated marketing campaign for the system’s bariatrics service line started by baselining a shared vision of campaign goals, strategic platforms, and reporting metrics.

As the campaign ran, we evaluated our tactics and modified strategies in real time to drive clear, measurable ROI and conversions, including seminar participation — the initial patient engagement point for bariatrics’ conversion.

This targeted campaign’s preparation and rollout included:

  • Integrated digital strategy
  • Research and surveys
  • ROI modeling
  • Audience refinement
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) analysis
  • Content marketing and blogging
  • Display ads, remarketing, and social advertising
  • Search text ads
  • SEO and SEM
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Landing page design
  • Lead capture and generation
  • Lead nurturing
  • Analytics and reporting
Edward-Elmhurst login webpage on laptop.

Our dedicated, cross-functional team, active monitoring, and focus on continuous strategic oversight created an agile environment where we could quickly adjust in order to maximize the campaign’s reach and impact. In just over six months of this campaign, our work delivered outstanding results for the client, including:

  • 3 million impressions
  • 483% increase in monthly physician web views
  • 300% increase in seminar registration and participation
  • 91% market capture for bariatrics search terms
  • 50 surgeries scheduled


Female doctor and male nurse looking at an iPad and talking.

A Relationship That Delivers Results

From enterprise to service line, our partnership with Edward Elmhurst Health’s marketing team has helped the organization build brand awareness, empower service lines, and grow market share.

  • Impactful, targeted campaigns increase attention and drive consumer engagement
  • Meaningful, easily navigable content and tools enhance the patient experience, helping build brand affinity
  • Site visitors can more easily book appointments and revenue-driving procedures, boosting conversions

Consumers enjoy an intuitive digital experience that helps guide them through important decisions and take the next step in their health journey.

Our longstanding relationship with Edward-Elmhurst Health is built on a foundation of delivering the results this health system needs for success in its competitive environment.

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