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Content Services

Collaborate From Anywhere

Most companies today use SharePoint, and the benefits are well known – you can create websites that allow your teams to collaborate in real time on programs such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. But what not all organizations know is that SharePoint is a lot more than just Microsoft Office. Instead, SharePoint can be used as a mobile, intelligent intranet that also serves as a hub for collaboration.

Intelligent Search

Microsoft Search makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for by connecting all of your applications. You can search from your desktop and within programs such as Word to quickly find what you’re looking for, allowing you to collaborate quickly and easily.

The release of SharePoint Syntex just adds to that. Using AI models, SharePoint Syntex builds personalized results for you to automatically read, understand, and process documents. As a result, you spend less time on cumbersome tasks, such as searching through it and organizing documents, with SharePoint itself now able to do that for you. How much you want it to know and what you want it to do is all under your control.

Make the Move

Our award-winning team has more than two decades of experience helping enterprises make the jump to the Microsoft Cloud. Whether you want to migrate to SharePoint or Office, upgrade to a cloud or into a hybrid model, or want to further integrate Microsoft’s content services within your IT landscape, we are the clear partner of choice.

Ready to Begin Your Story?