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Marketo Email Send qUICKsTART 

Initialize and Automate Your Email Sends

What It Is

Our Marketo quick-start service offering will set your marketing team up with Marketo so you can quickly start to send targeted and personalized emails. We’ll also show you how to track audience engagement including opens, clicks, and page visits to ensure measurable ROI of your marketing automation programs.

Our Approach

The engagement lasts three to four weeks.

  • Week 1: We’ll conduct a business discovery session with stakeholders and begin to configure the Marketo initialization
  • Week 2: We will work with your team to build custom and personalized email and program templates that target segmented individuals based on chosen actions.
  • Week 3-4: Together we will design, execute, test, and launch a pilot product upsell nurture campaign. We’ll report on the execution of the campaign and hold a two-day onsite training session.

What You Get

With Marketo Email Send Quickstart you receive:

  • Marketo initialization
  • Marketo email template
  • Marketo email send program template
  • List upload sourcing program
  • Initial Marketo email send based on email send program template
  • Onsite custom training

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