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Lead-to-Sales Lifecycle Workshop

Strategically Align Internal Teams

Improve Processes and Increase Pipeline

What It Is

The goal of the workshop is to help identify lead attribution and revenue influence as well as assess what marketing tactics are working. During this open dialogue we will assist in identifying strengths, gaps, and weaknesses in your current processes and translate them into a future-state process and technical design document to ensure visibility into velocity, attribution, and volume.

Our Approach

We encourage open dialogue and input from decision makers in your marketing and sales departments, as well as any marketing automation or CRM administrators that are a part of the process. Our recommended approach will be based upon the unique business processes and needs of all involved.

This engagement lasts three weeks and includes:

  • Week 1: We will work together to define marketing and sales goals and KPIs. This three-hour session will help define the current lead-to-sales lifecycle and how leads move from creation to closed-won.
  • Week 2: We’ll define the future lead-to-sales lifecycle in two separate three-hour sessions that will help define stages of the buying cycle, responsibilities, transitions, and field changes and updates.
  • Week 3: Finally, we will create and present a technical design document to all stakeholders.

What You Get

The goal of the workshop for marketers is to help identify lead attribution, revenue influence, and an assessment of what marketing tactics are working.

Sales managers will be able to identify gaps and opportunities in the sales process to better assess where deals are getting stuck and need assistance moving through the pipeline.

This workshop will also include:

  • Defined marketing and sales stages, transitions, and conversions
  • Aligned marketing and sales SLAs
  • Technical design document and framework for lifecycle automation and implementation
  • Recommendations on how to create reports that show attribution

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