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Healthcare Personas & Journey Maps

Build Empathy and Understanding. Ease Patient and Member Journeys. 

Create a foundation for strategic, personalized outreach that keeps patients and members engaged. Our member and patient journey maps  and persona jumpstarts will show you how.

  • Understand where your consumers are coming from, how to talk to them, and their common touchpoints.
  • Gain insights into the breaks in your systems, hand-offs that don’t go as intended, and interactions where users ultimately drop off, potentially going to competitors.
  • Create ease by connecting each touchpoint.
  • Create stickiness by aligning users with your brand.
  • Build a vision and align teams across your organization.
  • Deliver personalized healthcare experiences that build trust, improve ROI, and smooth the healthcare journey.


greater return on marketing investment (ROMI)


increase in revenue from customer referrals 

Jump Start Healthcare Experiences With Personas & Journey Mapping

Virtual Health Journey Science Jumpstart 

1 Large Journey Map | 4 Weeks. Get an expert pulse  check on the journeys your virtual health patients are experiencing. Deliverables include interview/survey data analysis, a high-level virtual health journey map based on a lens persona, and a virtual health UX enhancement opportunity summary.

Healthcare Project Lift 

5 Personas with Empathy Maps | 6 Weeks. Build your understanding of five key personas, each with a summarized view of up to 10 healthcare experience stages. The Project Lift is ideal for website development, nurture/drip campaigns, website personalization, and service/business line UX projects.

Healthcare Experience Lift 

6 Large Journey Maps | 8 Weeks. Deepen your understanding of four consumer journeys, each mapped with up to 12 specific healthcare experience stages. The Experience Lift includes touch points, questions/concerns, motivations, and messaging opportunities and is ideal for creating consumer-focused experiences within key business lines with the goal of increased conversions.

Healthcare Experience Lift 360 

6 Large Journey Maps + Site Survey | 10 Weeks. Elevate your understanding of the consumer experience with a user site survey and six journey maps, each detailing up to 12 healthcare experience stages, along with messaging opportunities. Lift 360 is ideal for efforts to create consumer-focused experience within key business lines.

Reach and Engage Healthcare Consumers

Healthcare marketing is changing. Set the pace for enduring consumer relationships built on intelligence and trust.

Related Insights

Get a Jump Start on More Meaningful Healthcare Journeys