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Conversion IQ

Motivating Customer Action

Increase Your Conversion Rate in 30 Days

What It Is

Conversion IQ℠ is an evaluation of digital sales and marketing performance, user behavior, and usability best practices. The goal of this effort is to provide you with an actionable strategy containing key insights impacting your conversion performance and customer feedback.

A Conversion IQ engagement will help you:

  • Discover areas where your conversion funnel is leaking
  • Identify specific, data-driven test ideas
  • Develop a clear roadmap of prioritized tests to run
  • Understand how and where to begin personalization efforts

Our Approach

The engagement lasts four weeks.

Week 1: Kickoff and startup

Weeks 2-3: Research and data collection

Week 4: Results and recommendations

What You Get

As part of your Conversion IQ engagement, you'll receive:

  • A behavioral analysis to gather insight and uncover any conversion blockers
  • Quick wins for conversion improvements and example mockups for website enhancements
  • A list of opportunities where personalization will drive measurable improvements
  • A prioritized roadmap for growth focused on improving conversion, leads, and revenue

Get A Jumpstart on Your Customer Experience