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Manual Penalty Recovery
SEO Migration Services

Mitigate Traffic Loss and Set Up Success

Investing in a new website shouldn’t come with the additional cost of lost traffic. Our Migration Services for SEO provide our clients with the comfort and satisfaction of preserving their organic search traffic after a site move or upgrade. With decades of expertise across nearly all CMS platforms, our team knows how to effectively and efficiently ensure strong performance following launch. We can provide value as an extension of your team, as a supplement to an existing agency, or as your sole responsible party for organic search success.

Migration Strategies and Tactics

Our processes and methodologies are battle-tested and ready for your migration. Having launched hundreds of sites, our team can quickly identify the greatest risks and strongest opportunities for your continued success. From there, we can integrate with internal teams and product experts to ensure that you target the right keywords, audiences and intents in organic search.

Our SEO Migration Plan includes:

  • Deep discovery efforts, including gap and opportunity analysis
  • Information Architecture reviews to understand changes to PageRank distribution
  • Reviews of page templates and components for best practices
  • Establishing a solid technical SEO foundation including discovery, crawling, rendering, and indexing
  • Appropriate redirect strategies and mappings for important pages
  • Three audits of the site – at staging, go-live and post-launch
  • Performance monitoring and reporting for one month after launch

Platform Experience

We routinely partner with our internal development teams to deliver new experiences and digital marketing success through migrations. Our organic search team is well versed in the intricacies of nearly every prominent CMS and knows how make templates and standard settings search engine friendly. We have deep experience migrating to the following platforms:

  • Adobe Commerce
  • Sitecore
  • Adobe Experience Manager
  • HCL
  • Znode
  • Optimizely B2B Commerce
  • Demandware
  • Salesforce Community
  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Custom or Bespoke Platforms

Expected Results

When migrations are completed correctly, we can expect to see these typical results:

Mitigation of Organic Traffic Loss - By understanding the potential impact of the migration efforts prior to the launch of the new site, we can properly set expectations and actively work to mitigate any potential organic traffic loss. Typically, we see slight dips (up to 20% of organic traffic) as search engines figure out the new site, but we have proven processes to make these dips as short-lived as possible. Without our efforts, these drops can reach 40% and may never recover.

Growth and Expansion of Organic Search Visibility - Migrations offer unusual opportunities to retarget a site for the most appropriate audiences and search queries. With proper planning and research, a solid roadmap can guide initial and future efforts to reach the most profitable searchers. Additionally, taking a step back to revise or rearchitect key pages or site sections may improve rankings for terms that were previously lower than desired. Clients typically see overall increases of 20-40% YOY for organic traffic within a few months of launch.

Confidence in a Solid Technical SEO Foundation - Knowing that your site has a proper technical SEO foundation in place allows for you to focus on growth, rather than remediation efforts.

With the release of new products or publication of new pages post-migration, efforts can be placed on optimization, as the primary on-page elements will be present and the new content will be available for discovery, crawling, indexing and rendering without additional work beyond authoring.In many cases, new client sites see a shorter “Time to Rank” for new URLs, as previous technical SEO issues than hindered efforts have been resolved. 

Ready to Begin Your Story?