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Due Diligence SEO Audits
Due Diligence SEO Audits

Get What You Pay For

Buying an existing website is a critical business move, but if the site is built on rocky SEO foundations, investing in it may be a bad decision. Before you seal the deal, validate the assumptions and information the seller provided early in the process by performing a Due Diligence SEO Audit leveraging the SEO experts at Perficient.

Helping You Proceed with Confidence

Is the site sound? Are there potential SEO issues? Our due diligence audit can help assure you that you are making a wise and profitable decision. Our due diligence audit services will:

  • Identify top concerns with overall SEO for the site 
  • Analyze and assess the backlink profile of the site
  • Outline the top opportunities for near-term SEO upside once the acquisition is complete 
  • Document the key onsite SEO issues
  • Quantify the value of any issues raised, to assist in purchase price negotiations 
  • Provide an overall acquisition risk assessment
  • Enable you to have peace of mind about your site purchase

Whether You Have Access to Internal Data or Not

In a perfect world, you would have access to the site’s data tools to perform a full and deep analysis. However, sometimes you do not have access to proprietary resources and internal marketing data. And even if it is available, it may be limited or there is a chance that it is misrepresented. Our SEO experts have experience in all of the top analytics tools and leverage our own proprietary tools to give you a complete and accurate picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the site – and provide the data you need to make a final decision.

Don't Leave the Due Diligence to Chance