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Large Coal Producer

Mining for Business Success

Our client’s operations include surface coal mines in the United States and Canada, underground coal mines in Ohio and New Mexico, a char production facility, and a 50% interest in an activated carbon plant. Our client also owns the general partner of and a majority interest in a publicly traded coal master limited partnership.

A large powerplant situated next to a body of water, with the reflection of the powerplant.

Implementing an Enterprise Strategic Management Process

The company’s strategic planning activities were not organized into a clearly defined, closed-loop process that bridged the gap between strategy and execution; nor were they communicated well throughout the organization.

Getting the Message Out

Our client asked us to implement an enterprise strategic management process that could be used to develop and communicate its corporate strategy throughout the organization.

Key insights were used to help develop a winning proposition and strategic priorities.


A large pile of coal.

Effective Communication Boosts Understanding and Engagement

Key insights on the company’s business environment were captured and used to help develop a winning proposition and strategic priorities, and to align the organization on a set of strategic initiatives. 

Our client was able to further the understanding of the corporate strategy across the company, boost employee engagement, and enable the company’s ability to quickly respond to environmental changes that influence the corporate strategy.

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