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Houston Methodist

Showcasing Healthcare Innovation With a Bold Web Experience 

Houston Methodist provides world-class care for patients in the Greater Houston area. The health system’s Center for Innovation focuses on ways to update and modernize operations and patient experiences, including introducing new healthcare technologies, piloting new techniques and methodologies with others who are innovating in healthcare – from startups to tech giants like Apple and Amazon, and operating a physical lab where partners and care providers collaborate on product testing and exploration.

Houston Methodist logo
Man wearing a VR headset in a laboratory and a doctor studying it.

Strategic Insight

The Center for Innovation team wanted to more fully showcase its expansive work and turned to us for help. Leveraging our vast experience in healthcare and deep technical knowledge of Houston Methodist’s Sitecore platform, we brought the Center’s full vision to life, helping prove why the group’s work attracts attention of some of the boldest and most transformative names in the healthcare space.

A Bold Site for Bold Innovators 

The Center for Innovation’s newly designed website balanced multiple essential goals from the outset: 

  • Optimize for mobile users
  • Integrate video as part of the site experience, not simply as embedded features
  • Highlight work the Center fulfills at the far edges of healthcare technology

Following discovery discussions and meetings, our team created a video preview of the Center for Innovation’s proposed web design. This dynamic visual offered the benefit of showing –  not just telling – what each effect and user interaction would look like, ultimately securing stakeholder buy-in to keep the project moving forward and ensure our delivery matched expectations. 

We turned to Perficient because they have a great combination of critical skillsets. One is a deep knowledge of the healthcare industry. The second is a deep technical knowledge about our platform, Sitecore. And the third is their very proficient, highly skilled design and user experience team. When you put all three of those things together, you get results that are head and shoulders above what you can expect if you only have one or two of those areas of expertise. Director of Digital Marketing and Innovation, Houston Methodist


A man looking at a Houston Methodist website page on a desktop computer.

Heralding Big Impacts Via an Immersive Site Experience

The Center for Innovation’s section within the Houston Methodist website positions the group to attract technology and business partners as well as healthcare providers interested in healthcare transformation. The Center tracks visitor metrics – particularly after showcasing the site at tradeshows or when it receives media attention – and monitors spikes in engagement that occur after this increased visibility.

This innovative, collaborative spirit ultimately drives better healthcare experiences and outcomes for the hospital’s patients.

Our healthcare-focused UI designers were the partners the Center for Healthcare Innovation needed to spotlight ways it is modernizing the healthcare industry and to gain attention of influential business partners.

Ready to Begin Your Story?