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Environmental Specialty Products Distributor

Driving New System Adoption With Organizational Change Management

What if... we could enable internal resources to prepare end users for migration to Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Our client connects pest control professionals to the products, expertise, and digital tools to succeed. The company maintains significant reach as a products distributor with hundreds of supplier partners.

Person in a hazmat suit and mask spraying liquid on the outside of a house.

A Newly Independent Company Was Preparing for System Changes 

After being purchased by a private equity firm, our client was newly independent and rebranded. As part of the subsequent restructuring and business transformation, the company needed to migrate off of its former parent company’s ERP and CPM applications, which were costing a substantial amount each month.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) was the ideal solution to meet our client’s ERP and CRM needs, while simultaneously modernizing its communication and collaboration methods.

This presented a significant change to employees, and leadership wanted to make sure all users were prepared and excited to adopt the new system.

People sitting in a room watching something.

Communicating and Managing Change to Drive Adoption

To address concerns regarding user adoption and preparedness for the D365 go-live, our organizational change management team identified and communicated a case for change and built a training plan.

We executed a “train-the-trainer” approach that entailed training 40 employees in the U.S. on more than 50 new and distinct business processes. This included providing assistance and coaching in the form of tips and tricks to trainers without prior experience in training delivery. The team in turn trained and educated more than 400 D365 end users.

All training was recorded and archived to provide employees an on-demand archive of resources.

We executed a "train the trainer" approach to equip trainers with the knowledge and skill to effectively train fellow employees going forward.


Several business people gathered around a laptop and working.

Trained and Equipped for Success

We equipped trainers with the knowledge and skill needed to effectively educate fellow employees and ensure preparedness to hit the ground running with D365.

Going forward, D365 users can quickly and easily access more than 100 archived resources to support separate business processes, including finance, operations, production, warehouse, and sales.

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