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Design House and Fashion Boutique

What if... we could improve customer engagement channels while reducing costs, risk, and time?

Our client is a fashion boutique with nearly 100 locations across Canada and the United States.

Woman browsing through different clothes in a clothing store.

Focused on Best-in-Class Customer Service 

Our client strives to provide its customers with convenient, personalized retail experiences. The fashion brand wanted to offer its customers additional channels to communicate with the company, including web chat.

The legacy tool being used for web chat and email communications was coming to end of life, and needed an upgrade. In addition, the on-premises contact center product was not flexible in terms of making changes in capabilities and scale.

Our first step in helping our client delight its customers was leading a strategy and planning exercise, during which we collaborated to define a specific plan for and roadmap to what was possible for the brand. Next, we provided detailed recommendations for the features and the approach the company should take.

Woman scrolling on cell phone.

Expanding the Reach of Customer Engagement 

Based on the discovery and roadmap exercise, our client identified upgraded web chat capabilities as a top priority, and we proposed Twilio Flex as the platform to achieve this.

As COVID-19 spread across North America, our client’s employees shifted to a work-from-home model. However, contact center agents could not securely access the legacy on-premises contact center platform from home, leaving customers to suffer.

The newly upgraded web chat function based on Twilio’s cloud platform allowed agents to communicate with customers while safely working from home.

As volume increased and chat became the primary point of contact between the brand and its customers, the Flex cloud-based infrastructure easily scaled to meet demand. The reliability of the platform took the pressure of planning, outages, and capacity changes off of the client’s management, allowing them to focus on new changes ahead.

As Remote Work Became Necessary, Flex Became Essential 

Our client had originally set a target date to move its voice communication capabilities to Twilio. However, the need to enable its agents to work from home accelerated the urgency for a fully cloud-based solution.

We worked diligently to move 100% of our client’s voice traffic to the Twilio platform in just a couple of months. This allowed agents to provide superior service through voice, email, and chat communications – all while safely working from home.

In addition to the communications platform implementation, our client also opted to leverage our managed services. We will monitor our client’s Flex environment for any issues or necessary maintenance in order to reduce downtime and ensure the solution remains up to date. As a result, our client can worry less about the contact center infrastructure and focus on growing the business.

By moving to Twilio Flex, the fashion brand can ensure its customers receive exceptional service through the communication channel of their choice.


Man with glasses working on laptop.

Exceeding Customer Engagement Expectations 

The flexibility of the Twilio platform allows our client to make rapid changes as priorities change. It can also easily add additional communication channels in the future with significantly less risk and effort than an on-premises platform.

Additionally, the solution allows our client to scale massively without worrying about reliability or configuration changes that would be major concerns with on-premises systems.

By moving to Twilio Flex, the fashion brand can ensure its customers receive exceptional service through the communication channel of their choice.

We have been Flex partners since the launch of the platform. Our Twilio specialists hold years of experience and understand how to help our clients surpass their customers’ expectations.

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