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A Global Agricultural Supplier

Modernizing Farming With a Cloud-Based Nutrition Platform

What if... we could create a custom cloud-based platform that leverages data to help farmers make more informed decisions regarding animal nutrition?

Our client is a global agriculture supplier that connects farmers to broader markets. The company develops and distributes products that advance animal nutrition, food safety, and sustainability. 

Cows grazing in a field

Meeting the Demands of an Evolving Industry

The agriculture industry is experiencing a generational shift as younger farmers, who have grown up using technology in their everyday lives, are taking over farming businesses.

Our client had an outdated tech stack consisting of 12 disparate systems. It wanted to target this new wave of tech-savvy farmers by creating a custom, industry-leading product to help them make data-informed decisions regarding livestock nutrition, while simultaneously improving the feed supply management process.

To accomplish this, we needed to modernize our client’s legacy feed-formulation systems to create a consolidated platform to manage data more efficiently and build a user-friendly marketplace where customers can easily compare feed vendors to ensure they are purchasing feed that meets the nutritional needs of their livestock.

Cow eating grains out of a trough.

Healthy Data to Maximize Animal Nutrition

Legacy technology was so outdated that our client struggled to find developers who could work on it. This left the company with 12 separate systems that could not communicate effectively and led to a poor user experience.

We built a cloud-based platform on a modern React hook, a .NET back end, and a completely cloud-native Azure infrastructure. We also optimized Microsoft Dynamics 365 to standardize business processes and eliminate manual customer service tasks.

The platform connects farmers with feed vendors and will scale to offer feed bin ordering and management, nutrient analysis and sampling, and formulation of animal feeds.

Our experience design and custom development teams designed a modern user interface and built a single custom platform marketplace where farmers can compare feed suppliers based on both price and the nutritional profiles of the feed in order to meet the specific growth needs of their livestock.

The platform also pulls data from an IOT sensor on farmers’ feed bins to make predictions about when their feed supply will run out and orders need to be placed.

The result is a significantly improved user experience that leverages data and modern technology to simplify the cumbersome feed-buying and supply management process.

Optimizing the Customer Journey

The nutrition optimization and feed supply marketplace needed to be intuitive and deliver a seamless experience for customers.

Our experience design team held a workshop with the client to develop a cohesive vision for the user interface. We conducted focus groups and extensively mapped the user journey through the platform to develop intuitive features and eliminate cumbersome processes.

In addition to enhancing the user experience, we built a strong foundation for future enhancements to expand upon the platform’s features and capabilities.

In addition to creating an intuitive and seamless user experience, we built a strong foundation for future improvements to expand upon the platform's features and capabilities. 


Male farmer working on an iPad in a field.

Modernizing the Industry and Improving Animal Nutrition

The customized livestock nutrition product provides our client with a consolidated cloud-native platform on modern operating systems that communicate and share data efficiently, and that is much easier to maintain than legacy systems.

The product also gives our client a unique and cutting-edge offering in its marketplace.

Most importantly, our client significantly improved its customer experience with a supplier selection feature that empowers them to make data-driven decisions regarding animal nutrition.

Our extensive experience with custom development and creating end-to-end products made us the best partner to build this animal nutrition platform. In addition, we led the project entirely remotely due to a pandemic, while meeting a tight deadline to deliver an outstanding custom product that exceeded client expectations.

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