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A a tree with large, expansive roots, gradient. A tree with large, expansive roots.

Brand and Customer Loyalty Experiences

A Perficient Strategic Position

Retain, Reward, and Connect with Your Customers

Justin Huckins
Justin Huckins
Director, Strategy and Innovation, Perficient

What is Brand and Customer Loyalty Experiences?

Loyalty experiences are designed to provide value to the customers loyal to their brand and provide a means for brands to demonstrate loyalty to their customers.

Customers no longer view loyalty experiences as an added luxury for being loyal to a brand. They expect them as a part of engaging with the brand.

Loyalty experience has become table stakes for many organizations, but some have still not made the decision to invest. Those that drag their feet are likely watching their customer base slowly erode.

Brand-Customer loyalty engagement necessities loop.

These experiences aren’t just about creating loyal customers; they show customers that organizations are being loyal to them. As customer expectations continue to evolve, individuals now actively seek alignment with their core values, crave a genuine personal connection and aspire to be recognized and rewarded by the brands they remain loyal to. Furthermore, customers want assurance that they can trust the brand they have chosen.

A a tree with large, expansive roots, gradient. A tree with large, expansive roots.

Schedule a Briefing/Workshop

Reach out to schedule a loyalty experience briefing or an introductory workshop.

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