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AI in B2B Ecommerce: Removing the Roadblocks guide cover

AI in B2B Ecommerce: Removing the Roadblocks

Many B2B executives believe artificial intelligence (AI) will be a game-changer in B2B Ecommerce success, but a recent survey of 62 B2B executives shows few are happy with their results and some are yet to get their feet wet.

In a new report from HCL Commerce and Perficient ― written by Digital Commerce 360 ― experts provide useful insights about how to maximize artificial intelligence and see tangible results. The survey report reviews:

  • How to get started using artificial intelligence
  • The common obstacles to avoid
  • How to get early wins that will demonstrate artificial intelligence’s value
  • What’s working and what’s not
  • How companies are using AI and the differences between the strategies and results of large companies and smaller ones
Data + Intelligence Consumer Markets HCL