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Experience-Driven Commerce

Beyond the Buzzword: The True Meaning of Experience-Driven, B2C Commerce   

Keeping up with increasing consumer demands means your B2C business must adopt an experience-driven commerce approach at each stage of the buying process. This requires creating an insights-led, customer-centric, omnichannel experience that transforms how customers interact with your brand.

Our 5-session track will show you how following the B2C customer journey and highlighting key areas where experience-driven commerce directly impacts your customers’ commerce journey – and your business.

Beyond the Buzzword: B2C 

Increase B2C Awareness With Experience-Driven Commerce

If you were to launch your business today, how would you bring awareness to your brand? Would you know what approach to take to gain attention from the right customers?

Realize Active Customer Engagement Through Experience-Driven Commerce

Finding new ways to stand out from your competition can be difficult. To stay relevant in the eyes of both prospective and existing customers, it’s crucial to stay in tune with current and emerging trends, strengthen customer engagements through personalized experiences, and continuously transform and evolve.

Create More Conversions with Experience-Driven Commerce

Your commerce strategy depends on how you can best serve your customers throughout their buying journey. Elevating your commerce experience begins with understanding what omnichannel fulfillment means, and where your business should choose to invest to offer a diversified portfolio of purchasing and fulfillment options.

Provide World-Class Customer Service with Experience-Driven Commerce

Customer service is no longer just a call center. Omnichannel, personalized customer service is the key to shaping customer expectations and retention, but how can your brand take it a step further as customer expectations and demands continue to evolve?

Turn Customers Into Advocates Through Experience-Driven Commerce

What keeps a customer coming back? What kind of loyalty programs work today? How do you turn a return customer into to a loyal customer and then into a brand advocate? How do you know when a customer is a brand advocate?