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The Digital Essentials

Mobile Evolution

The smartphones in our pockets provide instant access to information across personal, business, and social networks. Mobile is an integral part of daily life, and it’s an essential part of how people work and live.

Mobile also represents an expectation from consumers, businesses, and employees to interact with organizations, boost their businesses, and increase their efficiency using mobile devices and applications.

Mobile Success Is More Than Building an App

Mobile covers web experiences and mobile app experiences on various devices, from phones to tablets to touchscreen workstations.

An approach to mobile strategy should deliberately prioritize the experience and justify a mobile application versus a mobile website. When considering a mobile application, think about whether the app fills an unmet user need, and if users will be delighted by the experience. If a mobile app fails to meet these goals, it may be uninstalled, suffer poor adoption, and be a wasted investment and opportunity.

Ready to Begin Your Story?