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The Digital Essentials

Frictionless Service

Frictionless service means never getting in the way of the moments that serve customers. They expect a seamless experience with the brand – not the channel. Enabling customers to begin or end an interaction through any channel they choose provides them the omnichannel conveniences that have now become table stakes.

Why Is it Essential now?

When customers compare price, quality, and service, service usually wins. Providing consistently high-quality service is a key driver of loyalty. Harvard Business Review reported a study by the Customer Contact Council which found that “delighting customers doesn’t build loyalty; reducing their effort – the work they must do to get their problem solved – does.”

This is called “frictionless service,” and it’s more important than ever because it’s possible to provide support at so many points across the customer journey. The inherent risk today is failing to meet increasing customer expectations when service and experience are what will really define a brand.

Frictionless service is fully expected in retail, but it has also shaped consumer expectations to the point that they demand the same level of service, convenience, and immediacy from every brand they interact with, regardless of industry.

How Does it Work?

The entire customer journey needs be consistent and frictionless, but no single person – or even department – owns the entire journey. Thus, having an effective enterprise digital strategy in place is crucial to creating a frictionless customer experience. It provides direction and serves as the unifying guide the organization can rally around.

Starting with a customer-centric approach and mindset is key to identifying and reducing friction points in a customer journey. An “outside in” thinking model will allow the organization as a whole (not just a single business unit) to prioritize customer needs and expectations.

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