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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) leverages machine learning platforms to create adaptive and autonomous systems. More than a single technology, AI is a collection of technologies, concepts, and methods that can be applied to create intelligent systems. Intelligence is typically associated with human cognitive functions such as learning and problem solving, but it also includes many other data-processing functions.

Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Solutions

A key component of the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence has the potential to change nearly every aspect of life as we know it. From number crunching to data analysis to human-like, conversational experiences, we are only beginning to scratch the surface of AI.

However, AI is not a magic box that can be turned on and pointed at a problem. Rather, it's a set of capabilities that can be brought together through careful planning, training, and execution to create intelligent solutions.

Because of its rapid immergence, every organization should be thinking about how it can leverage AI in the experiences and solutions they create. This may require more vision than proof, as most of AI's potential is still undefined. That's why it's important to have a strategic perspective that puts AI first.

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